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Faith of the Spirit

Faith only works when there are no emotions involved. This has actually been the cruelest, most misleading, deadliest poison found in religions, especially in evangelical churches. Emotional faith is so deeply rooted that it’s difficult to distinguish from the faith of the Spirit. Only those born of the Spirit are able to tell them apart. But it’s not easy. And the worst part is trying to point it out to its victims. They won’t accept it.

However, the facts speak for themselves. Where there’s supernatural faith, there is life, success and achievements. Where there’s faith born of the flesh, surely there won’t be faithfulness to the Word. Result: a poor quality of life. In this case, it’s impossible to obtain the Divine promises. That’s why most Christians are unsuccessful in completing their journey of “faith”. They become discouraged along the way because they don’t see the manifestation of God’s promises in their life.

The truth is that emotional faith is rebellious by nature. Those who use it won’t practice His Word because it goes against their will.

Those who live their life based on emotions are going in the opposite direction of the faith of the Spirit. Otherwise, they’d be contradicting their own will.

“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” Matthew 16:24

There’s the answer why, among the many that are called, few are born of the Spirit.